Sunday 4 June 2017

05/17 Bokeh (2017)

Two young Americans go on holiday to Iceland. One morning they wake up and the entire world's population has disappeared.

Apart from a bit of fun, they mostly mope about wishing everyone else was back rather than having a fucking blast of a time.

If I was in their situation, I would balance structure and fun to ensure I lived well in the absence of services and people we depend on but never got bored in this quieter world. My average week would go:

Monday - Naked food shopping for the week ahead.

Tuesday - House firebombing.

Wednesday - A nice nap.

Thursday - Drink driving.
Well, what difference will it make? 140mph in a 20mph zone... Nobody around to accidentally catapult into a building or anything. Although no one to high-five afterwards would be disappointing.

Friday - Shouting in libraries.

Saturday - Day at the beach.

Sunday - Roast dinner. Mostly tinned stuff. 


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